

(A) Documents Required
Japanese translations of:

(1)Specification and claims of International Publication
(2)Abstract of International Publication
(3)Drawings of International Publication
(4)Amendments under PCT Article 19 and / or PCT Article 34

(B) Other information

(1)Deadline for entering Japanese national phase is 30 months from the earliest priority date.
(2)Japanese translation must be furnished by no later than 2 months from the national phase entry date


(A) Documents required:

(1) Specification and claims
(2) Abstract
(3) Drawings

(B) Information required for filing an application:

(1)Full name, address and nationality of each applicant and, the identification number of each applicant before the Japanese Patent Office, if available.
(2)Full name and address of each inventor.
(3)Where Convention priority is to be claimed, the name of the country, filing date and, if available, application number of each application on which the priority is to be claimed.
(4)Where an English-language patent application is filed, a Japanese translation thereof must be filed within 2 months of the filing date of the patent application.

English-language applications are accepted for patent applications only and do not apply to utility model applications.


(A) Documents required:

(1) Drawings:
- Drawings showing a solid body shall consist of a set of front view, rear view, left side view, right side view, plain view and base view all prepared in orthographic projection and in the same reduced scale.
- In the drawings, there shall not be contained a center line, a base line, a horizontal line, fine lines to represent shading, a reference line to indicate toning or substance, symbols or words; or other lines, symbols or words not constituting the design.
- The applicant may file a design application with photographs or a model or a sample instead of drawings.

(B) Information required for filing an application:

(1) Name of the article to which the design is applied.
(2) Full name, address and nationality of the applicant.
(3) Full name and address of each inventor.
(4) Where Convention priority is to be claimed, the name of the country, filing date and, if available, application number of each application on which the priority is to be claimed.


(A) Documents required:

(1) Prints of the mark:
- If the trademark consists of only characters without a stylized or design format, prints of the mark may be prepared by Ono & Company.
- When some special forms of characters are desired for a word mark, a sample thereof should be provided.
- If a color other than black is desired for the mark, that color must be specified.

(B) Information required for filing an application:

(1) Classification of Goods and Services: The International Classification System is adopted in Japan for classifying goods and services. A service mark is protected in substantially the same manner as a trademark.
(2) Full name, address and nationality of the applicant.
(3) Where Convention priority is to be claimed, the name of the country, filing date and, if available, application number of each application on which the priority is to be claimed.